War stories?!?

My father once said, parents have war stories and people without children have theories. This could not be more true.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

No, really ... punish me!

In our house, punishment for small infractions gets you sent to your room. Being a parent, I think this is quite a generous punishment. The boys can go in there and play with all of the junk they have amassed in their short little lives. The point is just to separate us from them. To get a little breathing room so I'm not tempted to duct tape them to the wall for a couple of hours.

On one of our not so great mornings, Peyton had been a little mouthy or "fresh", if you will, and he was sent to his room for 4 minutes (one minute for each year that they are old). He argues up and down about being sent to his room. Now, if it was me, I would be scurrying in there as fast as possible - because of all the toys in there and if I made mom and dad mad, I'd be afraid of what punishment could come in it's place if I threw a fit. But Peyton doesn't think that way. He proceeded to kick and scream and basically act like he had a poisonous snake latched onto his ankle.

FINALLY he goes in there. Before his "time out" was up, my husband (Eric) and I walked past his room and noticed that it was dirty and said for him to go ahead and clean it up while he was in there.

Remember, he fought like a warrior to not go to his room in the first place. So when we say to clean up, what does he say?

"No! NO! I'm in time out!! I'm in time out!! I can't clean, I'm in time out!!"

Now that is quick thinking.

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