War stories?!?

My father once said, parents have war stories and people without children have theories. This could not be more true.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Kids are just weird.

Getting your child to laugh is a HUGE priority when you have an infant. You try anything you can think of to get your kid to chuckle, even if it's just for a moment. Something about a baby's laugh can cure any and all problems that you might have or at least make them seem like they aren't as important as you once thought that they were. 

What ends up happening is you make an idiot out of yourself - and you don't care where it is that you are or who is watching. You'll make faces and sounds that make absolutely no sense. Actually, before you were a parent, you have probably made fun of someone who was doing the same thing that you're doing now. All parents go through that. So if you aren't a parent, laugh away at those who are because you'll be the one looking like an idiot eventually. It's all for a great cause - the magical giggle.

My husband and I would spend hours just watching Cale and doing anything we could think of to make him laugh. It actually became a contest - who could make little Cale laugh the hardest or the longest. We had gotten pretty good at it, we figured out what he liked the most and we did it all of the time. 

One day, we were just sitting around talking. One of us said the word 'duct tape' and Cale busted out laughing. We just looked at him and then at each other, wondering what the other had done to make him laugh. We couldn't figure it out so we went back to talking. Duct tape was said again. And again he was laughing hysterically. For days, we would be in the middle of a conversation, then insert 'duct tape' into the sentence and wait and see if he laughed. He did, every single time. 

We progressed from duct tape to scotch tape - which made him laugh just as hard. By the end of the month, we figured out that saying any kind of tape, rubber cement or glue would just send Cale over the edge. For people not within the family, it probably seems weird. It did for us too, at first. The sticky products kept him laughing for almost a year. 

If you think that is weird, Peyton's laugh word was calibrated thermometer. Now THAT is weird. 

Just goes to show that you never know what might make someone laugh and it's definitely worth trying things that you wouldn't think would work. Because they just might and then you'll have a story as great as ours!

1 comment:

  1. I can't but agree with you. I had a rather strange problem with one of my boys. So, I decided to handle it somehow. Here're some tips:
    Sport and Children
