Not everyone handles themselves well in emergencies. Some people over-react and assume the worst and everything turns out fine, some under-react and assume that everything will be fine but it turns into a horrible situation and then you have those crazies that assume everything is an emergency when everything is actually fine. We found out just which one of these Peyton is the other day.
Eric and I were finishing up dinner and Peyton comes flying into the living room. He's looks like the text book version of one of those crazies. His hair is sticking up on end everywhere, he's running like something is chasing him and he is waving his hands above his head screaming.
He was yelling, "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!"
Eric and I were almost rolling over laughing because of how hilarious he looked and when I was able to catch my breath, I asked him what was wrong.
He looked at me and while huffing and puffing told me that there was an "emerge-see". Apparently, the emergency turned out to be marshmallows on the floor. To you and me, this may sound a little crazy. But to him, I guess that the marshmallows being on the floor was some kind of code red in the kid world.
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